What Is Beyond Negative Emotions?

You find that you’re all caught up in agitation, anxiety, or restlessness.

Yet something is already afoot, isn’t it?

After all, you find that you’ve been caught up in some emotion or another. To find that this is the case is to be aware of being anxious or restless. You find, in other words, that you’ve been lost in a dream.

The discovery is not that you happen to be contingently aware of this emotion; it’s rather that you’re, in fact, whatever it is that is aware of this emotion, or that one, or, indeed, of any thought or sensation.

Investigate this matter. What is the nature of this awareness that’s aware of this emotion?

Drop the emotion, open to the awareness part, and relax gently “back” into the awareness that you are. What is this? What are you?

Drop all thoughts and just be.

The second discovery is that the nature of awareness is peace itself. It’s not that you’re “in” peace; it’s instead that you are peace.

The only reason that this experiential understanding seems to “wobble” is that another thought arises, a thought with which you seem (again) to be all tangled up. From the vantage point of this thought, the discovery that awareness is peace seems fleeting and therefore cannot be true.

To reveal that awareness is, indeed, abiding peace, simply retrace your steps, opening to the awareness that you always already are. Little by little, you’ll cease feeling that you’re visiting this place, and more and more it’ll be clear that you’re living in your permanent domicile.